목차 일부
1. The 2000 statistics: general(22)
2. Units of the statistics(22)
3. Determination of the cause of death and medical death certificate forms(22)
4. Circulation of death certificates and t...
목차 전체
1. The 2000 statistics: general(22)
2. Units of the statistics(22)
3. Determination of the cause of death and medical death certificate forms(22)
4. Circulation of death certificates and the data from the Population Information System for the compilation of statistics(23)
5. Quality of the statistics(23)
5.1 Coverage(23)
5.2 Reliability of cause of death(23)
6. Cause of death; underlying cause and muliple causes of death(24)
7. Classification of causes of death(25)
8. Comments on the tables(25)
1. Mortality during infant and perinatal period,1969-2000(7)
2. Age-standardized death rates by age per 1000 of the standard population, 1980-2000.(9)
3. Age-standardized death rates by cause of death ages 15-34 per 1000 of the standard population 1980-2000(11)
4. Age-standardized death rates by cause of death ages 35-64 per 1000 of the standard population 1980-2000(12)
6. Age-standardized death rates from accidental poisonings, alcohol related causes and suicides per 100000 of the standard population 1969-2000(15)
1A.Death and age-standardized death rates by cause of death and sex,1979-2000(28)
1B.Death and ages-standardized death rates aged 15-64 by cause of death and sex, 1980-2000(38)
2. Death and sex-and age-specific death rates by underlying cause of death(48)
3. Deaths, sex-and age-specific death rates by underlying cause of death (chapters)and marital status; whole country(66)
4A.Deaths from alcohole-ratesed diseases or alcohole intaxication by underlying cause, sex and age; whole country(74)
4B.Death accompianied by drunkeness from accidents or violence by underlying cause, sex and age; whole country(75)
5. Death from accodents or violence by external cause, sex and age; whole country(80)
6. Perinatal and infant deaths by province and health care district(96)
7. Perinatal and infant deaths by age of mother, month of death, birthweight and gestational age(98)
8. Perinatal deaths and infant deaths by cause of death; whole country(99)
9. Autopsies by age of deaths, 1971-2000 whole country(103)
1. Mean population by sex and age; whole country and region(106)
2. The short list in the tables 1A and 1B(108)
3. List of variables(115)
4. Circulation of the death certificate(118)
5. The used formulae and the European standard population(119)
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