목차 일부
Session 14 Improvement Projects(003)
37. Speeding up the production process in short-term employment statistics(003)
38. The incorporation of process to improve the index numbers production q...
목차 전체
Session 14 Improvement Projects(003)
37. Speeding up the production process in short-term employment statistics(003)
38. The incorporation of process to improve the index numbers production quality : the basque country experience(027)
39. Improved national accounts(051)
Session 15 Quality and Customers 1(091)
40. LEG chapter on quality an users(091)
41. Customer-driven quality, revisited(104)
Session 16 CBM and minimum standards(123)
42. Tools for standardizing and improving the quality of statistics production processes and other operation(123)
43. Good practices in official statistics an element of statistical quality(135)
44. Revising statistical standards: an excercise in quality improvement(147)
Session 17 Cross-national Surveys(177)
45. The color of culture or asking for one`s race a culture measure?(177)
46. Modelling of comparability and coherence of international statistics(191)
47. European social survey: substance and methods(210)
Session 18 Nonresponse 1(225)
48. Attrition bias in the bank of italy`s survey of household income and wealth(225)
Session 19 business Statistics(241)
49. An interactive system to improve quality in official statistics(297)
Session 21 Data Collection(297)
50. Using total quality management to improve spanish industrial statistics(297)
51. Plannin the quality of the automatic coding process for the next italian generl population census(304)
52. interviewers and survey quality: Error analysis and prevention(327)
Session 22 Documentation 1(371)
53. LEG chapter on quality/documentation(371)
54. Documentation and quality in official statistics(399)
55. Designing and implemention a documentation system in INSEE(431)
Session 23 Strengths and Weaknesses of ESS(445)
56. Strengths and weaknesses of the european statistical sysytem(ESS)(445)
Session 24 Imputation(455)
57. Comparing the effect of different imputation methods for units with large amounts of item non-response: A Case Study(455)
58. How to Improve the quality of an Economic variable in a household survey: A simulation study through multiple imputation(478)
59. multiple imputation in goverment agencies(521)
Session 25 quality and customers 2(543)
60. France`s national council for statistical information(CINS): origin mission and role in imploring quality(543)
61. Some data quality issues in statistical publications(554)
62. Improving the quality of products and services to census bureau customers(577)
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