목차 일부
Readers Guide(07 )
1. Education Levels and Student Numbers(11 )
To what level have adults studied?(12 )
What subjects did adults study in tertiary education?(14 )
Who participates in education?(1...
목차 전체
Readers Guide(07 )
1. Education Levels and Student Numbers(11 )
To what level have adults studied?(12 )
What subjects did adults study in tertiary education?(14 )
Who participates in education?(16 )
How many secondary students go on to teritiary education?(18 )
How many students enrol in vocational programmes?(20 )
How many young people graduate from tertiary education?(22 )
How many students drop out of tertiary education?(24 )
How do men and women differ in education levels?(26 )
How successful are students in moving from education to work?(28 )
How much training are adults doing?(30 )
How many students study abroad?(32 )
Where do students go to study?(34 )
Is there a blue-collar barrier in higher education?(36 )
The Economic Benefits of Education(39 )
How much more do tertiary graduates earn?(40 )
How does education affect employment rates?(42 )
What are the incentives for people to invest in education?(44 )
What are the incentives for societies to invest in education?(46 )
Paying for Education(49 )
How much is spent per student?(50 )
Has spending per student increased?(52 )
What share of national wealth is spent on education?(54 )
What share of public spending goes on education?(56 )
What is the role of private spending?(58 )
How much do tertiary students pay?(60 )
What are education funds spent on?(62 )
How efficiently are resources used in education?(64 )
The School Environment(67 )
How long do students spend in the classroom?(68 )
How many students are in each classroom?(70 )
How much are teachers paid?(72 )
How much time do teachers spend teaching?(74 )
Who are the teachers?(76 )
Special Section: Introducing PISA(79 )
What is PISA?(80 )
What can students do in science?(82 )
What can students do in reading?(84 )
What can students do in mathematics?(86 )
How do girls and boys do in science?(88 )
How does student performance vary between and within schools?(90 )
How well do immigrant students do?(92 )
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다. 한글 기준 30자 이상 작성해 주세요.