목차 일부
1.Health Status(015)
1.1.Life expectancy at birth(016)
1.2.Life expectancy at age 65(018)
1.3.Premature mortality(020)
1.4.Mortality from heart disease and stroke(022)
목차 전체
1.Health Status(015)
1.1.Life expectancy at birth(016)
1.2.Life expectancy at age 65(018)
1.3.Premature mortality(020)
1.4.Mortality from heart disease and stroke(022)
1.5.Morttality from cancer(024)
1.6.Mortality frem road accidents(026)
1.8.Infant mortality(030)
1.9.Infant health: low birth weight(032)
1.10.Dental health among childen(034)
1.11.Perceived health status(036)
1.12.Diabetes prevalence and incidence(038)
1.13.AIDS incidence(040)
2.Non-medical Determinants of Health(043)
2.1.Smoking and alcohol consumption at age 15(044)
2.2.Nutrition at ages 11,13and 15(046)
2.3.Physical activity at ages 11,13and 15(048)
2.4. Overweight and obesity among children(050)
2.5.Tobacco consumption among adults(052)
2.6.Alcohol consumption among adults(054)
2.7.Overweight and obesity among adults(056)
3.Health Workforce(059)
3.1.Employent in the health and social sectors(062)
3.2.Practising physicians(064)
3.3Medical graduates(066)
3.4.Foreign-trained physicians(068)
3.5.Remuneration of doctors(general practitioners and specialists)(070)
3.6.Gynaecologists and obstetricians,and midwives(072)
3.8.Practising nurses(076)
3.9.Nursing graduates(078)
3.10.Remuneration of nurses(080)
4.Health Care Activities(087)
4.1.Consultations with doctors(090)
4.2.Medical technologies(supply and use)(092)
4.3.Hospital beds(supply and use)(094)
4.4.Hospital discharges(096)
4.5.Average length of stay in hospitals(098)
4.6. Cardiac procedures(coronary bypass and angioplasty)(100)
4.7.Treatment of renal failure(dialysis and kidney transplants)(102)
4.8.Caesarean sections(104)
4.9.cataract surgeries(106)
4.10.Pharmaceutical consumption(108)
5.Quality of Care(111)
Care for chronic conditions(116)
5.1.Aboidable admissions:respiratory diseases(116)
5.2.Aboidable admissions:diabetes complications(118)
5.3.Aboidable admissions:congestive heart failure,hypertension(120)
Acute care for chronic conditions(122)
5.4.In-hospital mortailty following acute myocatdial infarction(122)
5.5.In-hospital mortailty following score(124)
Care for mental disorders(126)
5.6. Unplanned hospital re-admissions for mental disorders(126)
Cancer care(128)
5.7.creening survival and mortality for cervical cancer(128)
5.8.creening survival and mortality for breast cancer(130)
5.9.Survival and mortality for colorectal cencer(132)
Care for communiable diseases(134)
5.10.Childhood vaccinaion programes(134)
5.11.Influenza vaccination for elderly people(136)
6.Access to Care(139)
6.1.Unmet health care needs(142)
6.2.Coverage for health(144)
6.3.Burden of out-of pocket health expenditure(146)
6.4.Geographic distribution of doctors(148)
6.5.Inequalities in doctor consultations(150)
6.6.Inequalities in dentist consultations(152)
6.7.Inequalities in cancer creening(154)
7.Health Expenditure and Financing(157)
7.1.Health expenditure per capita(160)
7.2.Health expenditure per in relation to GDP(162)
7.3.Health expenditure per by function(164)
7.4.Pharnaceutical expenditure(166)
7.5.Expenditure by disesse and age(168)
7.6.financing of health care(170)
7.7.Trade in health services(medical tourism)(172)
AmmexA. Additional Information on Demographic and Economic Context,Health System Characteristics,and health Expenditure and Financing(187)
List of Variables in OECD Health Data 2009(200)
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