목차 일부
1. Acknowledgements 2
2. A message from the Director-General 3
3. Understanding international trade statistics 4
4. WTO members and observers 6
Composition of geographical regi...
목차 전체
1. Acknowledgements 2
2. A message from the Director-General 3
3. Understanding international trade statistics 4
4. WTO members and observers 6
Composition of geographical regions 7
5. Economies by size of merchandise trade 2011 8
Economies by size of trade in commercial services 2011 9
6. Abbreviations & symbols 10
1.World trade developments 11
key developments in 2011:a snapshot 12
Trade data:
List of tables 19
1. Overview 21
2.Trade by region 22
3. Leading traders 26
4. Bilateral trade of leading traders 30
5. Regional trade agreemetns 37
6. Least-developed countries 41
7. Foreign affiliates statistics 46
2.Merchandise trade 49
Key developements in 2011:a snapshot 50
Trade data:
List of tables 59
1.Overview 61
2. Agricultural products
3. Fules and mining products 77
4. Manufactures 82
3.Trade in commercial services 135
Key developements in 2011: a snapshot 136
Trade data:
List of table 144
1. Overview 146
2. Transportation services 147
3. Travel 153
4. Other commercial servisces 158
Composition, definitions & methodology
1. Composition of regions and country groups 186
2. Definitions and methodology 190
3. Specific notes for selected economies 197
4. Statistical sources 200
Appendix: Historical trends 201
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