목차 일부
Session 25 variance estimation(000)
1.Variance estimation in the french "labour forces survey"(1689)
2.Variance estimation for househlod surveys wuth different level variables(1706)
3.Implementation l...
목차 전체
Session 25 variance estimation(000)
1.Variance estimation in the french "labour forces survey"(1689)
2.Variance estimation for househlod surveys wuth different level variables(1706)
3.Implementation linearisation variance estimation(1724)
Session26 Quality indicators Ⅱ(000)
1.The protoype of the quality indicators system at the brazilian institute of geograghy and statistics(1751)
2.Errective use of data qaulity indicators(1762)
3.Quality measures for eoconomic indicators(1783)
4.Measurement of data quality in the case of short term STATISTICS(1800)
Session 27(000)
1.Measuring micro level measurement error(1813)
2.Qulity at the item level(1853)
3.Response error estimation in precense of record linkage errors(1881)
4.Seasonal differences in a danish helth interview survey(1899)
5,Applying methods of record linkinage for census validatioon in the basque(1915)
6,Multivariate models for estimating coverage error in the Itlian 5℃ census of agriculture(1927)
7.How the under reporting affects the iincome data from a housdhold survey(1945)
Swssion 28(000)
1.Resolving cinfudentality and data quality issues for tabular data(1973)
2.Statistical disclosure control vs data quality(1982)
3.Do disclosure to pretect confidentiality degrade the quality of the data?(1990)
4.simulation of a database cross match as applied to the German structure od costs surveys(2008)
5.The normative framework for maximizing 3th party acess to statistical information while ensuring confidentialtity(2020)
Session 29(000)
1.New stratrgies to improve quality of ISTAT new CAPI/CATI labour force survey(2029)
2.Quality indicators for data collection via computer assisted personal(2045)
3.Catalysts for change(2059)
4.The new survey on producer prices in Non-domestic mafket(2072)
5.An ewperience of internet data collection or national survey on graduate(2086)
Session 30(000)
1.How the judge the reliability of the dutch previsional national account(2101)
2.Positivee effects of measuring revisions in balance od payments statistics(2156)
4.Fiscal data as a tool for improving information quality in the trade satelliteaccount(2187)
5.Consistent micro data for efficient compilation of quarterly and annual national account(2209)
6.Revisions od national accounts 1980-1998(2230)
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