목차 일부
Session 31(000)
1.Quality management at statistics Sweden(2267)
2.Data quality in the context of international organizations(2281)
3.Resructuring the office for national statistics to imprve quality(2...
목차 전체
Session 31(000)
1.Quality management at statistics Sweden(2267)
2.Data quality in the context of international organizations(2281)
3.Resructuring the office for national statistics to imprve quality(2295)
4.The role of information technology and Qulity in statistics(2305)
Session 32(00)
1.Some aspects od small area statistics and data quality(2379)
2.Does the model matter?(2235)
3.Small area estimation in the Israel labour force(2351)
4.Estimating accurate accurate weights ofconsumer price(2372)
5.Local area macroeconomic(2382)
1.Quality reporting and quality indicator(2409)
2.The quality trperting assurence committee(2452)
3.Tking into account quality in the FRENCH BISINESS(2432)
4.Quality reports at statistics(2440)
1.Evaluation of quality of mortality data(2455)
2.Asssessing cross national construct equivalence in the ESS(2465)
3.Use od vignettes in business surveys in implementation(2481)
4.THE coverage rate estomonate for the 5th agirculture census(2500)
SESSION 35(000)
1.Sample design in the context of data security(2517)
2.Estimation of the prebit model using ananymized micro data(2527)
3.Pretecting data(2555)
4.confidently and linking administrative and survey data(2567)
5.Microdata disclosure by resampling(2578)
SSESSION 36(000)
1.A randim samlie as a key for a better german register based census(2605)
2.The dutch virtual census 2001(2618)
3.Strategies in dealing with new data needs and their consequences on QUALITY(2636)
4.The revision od TANKAN in 2004(2655)
SESSION 37(000)
1.planning and carrying out user(2677)
2.Perception surveys 2003 in the crech in the statistical office(2691)
3.Conceptualising total business survey birden(2702)
4.Rewponse birden barometer of statistics austrailia(2712)
5.OECD statisticain sstisfaction survey(2724)
6.THE user satisfaction survey as an integral prt of the marketing information(2735)
SESSION 38(000)
1.The road to quality(2753)
2.LEG quality reccommenderation and their implementation in statistics(2779)
3.Reccommenderation for revising standards for statistical surveys for US(2807)
4.fORMALIZING the quality program at the US(2823)
5.Introduction of a unified seasonal adjustment precedure wuthin the hungafran central statistical office(2843)
SESSION 40(000)
1.A statistical web warehouse system(2857)
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다. 한글 기준 30자 이상 작성해 주세요.