목차 일부
1.1 Some details of the survey(002)
2.Concepts and Definitions(005)
3.Findings on Consumption(011)
3.1 The concepts of household MPCE and individual MPCE in NSS data(011)
3.2MPCE an...
목차 전체
1.1 Some details of the survey(002)
2.Concepts and Definitions(005)
3.Findings on Consumption(011)
3.1 The concepts of household MPCE and individual MPCE in NSS data(011)
3.2MPCE and household size(012)
3.3Distribution of population by MPCE: all-India(012)
3.4Average MPCE: States and all-India(014)
3.5Share of various food and non-food groups in total expenditure(016)
3.6Food, non-food and total expenditure: comparison with previous round(019)
3.7Inter-State variation in fodd, cereal and non-cereal food expenditure(019)
3.8Quantity of Cereals consumed per person: all-India(022)
3.9Inter-State variation in quantity of cereals consumed per person(023)
4. Other aspects of Living conditions(025)
4.1 Structure of dwelling unit(025)
4.2 Energy for cooking(026)
4.3 Energy for lighting(028)
4.4 Level of education(030)
4.5 Land possessed(032)
4.6 Covered area of dwelling unit(033)
5 Participation of Rural Population in Public Works(034)
5.1 Status of public works, 2005-06 and 2006-07(034)
5.2 Status of public works: variation with MPCE(035)
5.3 Status of public works: inter-State variation(036)
5.4 Average number of days worked and average wages received(037)
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