목차 일부
Preface(002 )
Acknowledgements(004 )
Key Message(018 )
EXteneded summary(025 )
Part1:Nuclear power's current status and projected trends chapter1:current status(044)
1.1 Development of the nucle...
목차 전체
Preface(002 )
Acknowledgements(004 )
Key Message(018 )
EXteneded summary(025 )
Part1:Nuclear power's current status and projected trends chapter1:current status(044)
1.1 Development of the nuclear power industry(045 )
1.2 Status of the current global operating nuclear fleet(049 )
1.3 Status of new plant construction(051 )
1.4 Increaing output from existing nuclear power plants(052 )
1.5 Status of nuclear fuel cycle facilities worldwide(055 )
1.6 Summary(056 )
chapter2:programmes and goverment policies(060 )
2.1 Introduction(061 )
2.2 Near-team policies of countries and economies currently using nuclear energy(062 )
2.3 Countries currently not using nuclrea energy that have policies to use it in future(075 )
2.4 Probable evolution over the next two decades(076 )
2.5 Government nuclear policies in the long term(078 )
2.6 Shanges in the use of nuclear power and global positions(082 )
2.7 Conclusion(085 )
chapter3:projections to 2050(090 )
3.1 Drives for growth in world energy demand(091 )
3.2 Scenarios for future energy supply(092 )
3.3 Future global electricity supply(095 )
3.4 The future role of nuclear power(100 )
3.5 The NEA scenarious for nuclear capacoty to 2050(102 )
Part2:THe Potential benefits of nuclear power chapter4:environmrhntal inpacts of energy use and power production(144 )
4.1 Introductiom(115 )
4.2 Greenhouse gas emissions(116 )
4.3 Scenatios for future energy supply and use(128 )
4.4 Other types of atmospheric emissions (136 )
4.5 Radiological impact of nuclear power (140 )
4.6 Ethics, the polluter pays principle and external costs (147 )
Chanpter 5: Uramium Resources and Security of Supply (154 )
5.1 Nuclear energy's contribution to security of supply (155 )
5.2 Uranium resources - The Red Book (155 )
5.3 The Uranium market (156 )
5.4 Uranium exploration and resources (158 )
5.5 Uranium resources and security of supply (160 )
5.6 Recent supply developments (161 )
5.7 Projected Uranium requirements to 2030 (163 )
5.8 Projected Uranium requirements to 2050 (165 )
5.9 Uranium resource figures (165 )
5.10 Conclusion (167 )
Chapter 6: Providing Electricityat Stable and Affordable Costs (172 )
6.1 Costs fof nuclear electricity generation in perspective (174 )
6.2 Drivers of nuclear generation cost reduction (175 )
6.3 Sensitivity analysis of nuclear electricity generation costs (178 )
6.4 National and international studies on the competitiveness of nuclear-generated electricty (181 )
6.5 Impact of income taxes and financing conditions on electricity generation costs (190 )
6.6 Externalities (195 )
6.7 Security of energy supply (197 )
6.8 Nuclear power in competitive electricity markets (200 )
6.9 Financing new nuclear power plants (202 )
Part3:Managing Current and Future Challenges Chapter 7:Nuclear Safety and Regulation (212 )
7.1 The nuclear safety framework (213 )
7.2 Design and operation: the basis of nuclear installation safety (215 )
7.3 Radiological protection and nuclear energy (218 )
7.4 The role of the safety regulator (223 )
7.5 Attaining maturity in nuclear safety practices (224 )
7.6 Current and near-term safety issues for operators and regulators (228 )
7.7 The safety of new designs and international efforts (232 )
7.8 Interaction with society and stakeholer involvement (235 )
Chapter 8:Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning (240 )
8.1 Introduction (241 )
8.2 Waste categories (242 )
8.3 Management of low-and intermediate level waste (244 )
8.4 Management of high-level waste and spent nuclear fuel (247 )
8.5 Outlook on waste management (255 )
8.6 Decommissioning(261 )
chapter9:non-proliferation and security 9.1 Introduction(272 )
9.2 Nuclear non-proliferation regime and related treaties(274 )
9.3 Preserving and enhancing the NPT regime(279 )
9.4 Multilateral nuclear management and non-proliferation(280 )
9.5 Nuclear security conventions and related instruments(286 )
9.6 Outlook for the future(288 )
chpater10:legal frameworks 10.1 Introduction(296 )
10.2 The international legal framework(297 )
10.3 National legal frameworks(306 )
10.4 Conclusion(311 )
chapter11:infrastructure:industrial, manpower and R&D capability(316 )
11.1 Industrial structure and capacity for the constructio of new nuclear power plants(317 )
11.2 Qualified workers, education levels and trends(322 )
11.3 R&D struture and needs(328 )
chapter12:stakeholder engagement(340 )
12.1 Attitudes towards nuclear energy-setting the scene(341 )
12.2 The effect of global energy challenges on public perceptions(348 )
12.3 The influence of good governance(351 )
12.4 Outlook(362 )
part4:developing the technology chapter13:advanced reators(370 )
13.1 Introduction 13.2 Reactor generations(371 )
13.3 Generation Ⅲ and Ⅲ+reactors(373 )
13.4 Internatinal collaboration on advanced reavtor designs(375 )
13.5 Small- and mediu,-sized nuclear power plants(380 )
13.6 Industrial uses of heat provided bu nuclear systems(382 )
13.7 Fusion(390 )
chapter14:advanced fuel cycles 14.1 Introduction(398 )
14.2 Current fuel cycles(399 )
14.3 Additional fuel cources(405 )
14.4 Adbanced fuel cycles(406 )
Concluding remarks(417 )
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