목차 일부
Economy not yet back at level of early 2008 6
Crisis hits mainly men,young people and foreigners 8
Record number of immigrants 10
Self-employeed make labour market more flexible 12
목차 전체
Economy not yet back at level of early 2008 6
Crisis hits mainly men,young people and foreigners 8
Record number of immigrants 10
Self-employeed make labour market more flexible 12
Workforce shrinks as population grow older 16
Early school-leavers vulnerable 18
Less sickness absence and disability 20
Crisis draws heavily on government funds 22
Consumers hardly paying more for food 26
No improvement for housing market in 2010 28
Large income differences 30
Dutch households saving more and borrowing less 32
Sharp rise in poverty risk for self-employeed 36
Cancer: more deaths, lower risks 38
Political activity mainly via the internet 40
Crime in crisis 42
Crisis good for the environment 46
Older but fit 48
People prosperous and content, environment under pressure 50
Drink and drugs appeal to boys in particular 52
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다. 한글 기준 30자 이상 작성해 주세요.