Session19 quality indicatorsⅠ(000)
1.standanrd quality indicators(1093)
2.continuous measurement if quality in the amrican community survey(1115)
3.Qulity prefile for structual indicators(1134)
4.Indicators to define a territorital quality prefile for the Italian cansumer price survey(1146)
5.quality in territorial statistics : An experience of ISTAT regional office for slicily(1157)
SESSION 20 Non-response studies(000)
1.exploring survey Nonreponse in the UK(1181)
2.The impact of questionnaire design on intem-Nonresponseee concerning income(1197)
3.Anallysis of Non-responsee in a regional survey on the willingness to pay for public or private long term coverge(1208)
4.Data analysis of recreational fishing survey in finland(1223)
Session 21 Data processing Ⅱ(00)
1.Automatic edit and imputation for bisiness surveys(1233)
2.improvemant of data editing precess(1259)
3.Comparing model-based and traditional methods to deal with systematic untity measure errors(1286)
4.Imputation and Improvemant of the quality of provisional figures(1306)
5.Statistical editing and omputation for social data(1311)
6.Assessing editing and imputation effects on statistics on statistical survey data(1326)
7.Quality editing and imputation effects on statistical survey data(1343)
8.Imputation of economic data under several liner restiriction(1349)
Session22 Fieldwork(000)
1.Setting the standard for quality control in the United states decennial census(1367)
2.Quality information at a territorial livel(0378)
3.Monitoring and evaluating fieldwork effrots in the European socail survey(1392)
4.Characteristics and identification of faked interviewss in surveys-An analysis by means of geniune fakes in the SOEP survey(1141)
5.New methods ofr measuring quality indicators of ISTAT"s new CAPI/CATI labour force survey(1434)
Session 23 Weighting and calibaration(000)
1.Non - response adjustment of Household surveys(1489)
2.Participation in CATI surveys(1520)
3.On adjsutment for coverage problems in short-term business surveys(1534)
4.Improving timeliness of short-teerm bisiness statistics through state-space(1558)
5.Composite estimators for the labour force survey(1569)
Session 24 Improving process(000)
1.Developing a handbook on omproving qaulity by analysis of precess variables(1587)
2.Using real-time process measures to improve data collection(0597)
3.Benchmarking and quality management process relating to the preduction of consumer price indices(1606)
4. How the US census bureau uses the capability maturity moel as a roadmap to process improvement(1617)
5.Reorganising the process of production data to improve the quality of the surveys(1640)
6.Development of a handbook for quality management under a decentralized national staistical system in korea(1658)
7.Managing data quality through effective quality assurance project plans(1672)
1.standanrd quality indicators(1093)
2.continuous measurement if quality in the amrican community survey(1115)
3.Qulity prefile for structual indicators(1134)
4.Indicators to define a territorital quality prefile for the Italian cansumer price survey(1146)
5.quality in territorial statistics : An experience of ISTAT regional office for slicily(1157)
SESSION 20 Non-response studies(000)
1.exploring survey Nonreponse in the UK(1181)
2.The impact of questionnaire design on intem-Nonresponseee concerning income(1197)
3.Anallysis of Non-responsee in a regional survey on the willingness to pay for public or private long term coverge(1208)
4.Data analysis of recreational fishing survey in finland(1223)
Session 21 Data processing Ⅱ(00)
1.Automatic edit and imputation for bisiness surveys(1233)
2.improvemant of data editing precess(1259)
3.Comparing model-based and traditional methods to deal with systematic untity measure errors(1286)
4.Imputation and Improvemant of the quality of provisional figures(1306)
5.Statistical editing and omputation for social data(1311)
6.Assessing editing and imputation effects on statistics on statistical survey data(1326)
7.Quality editing and imputation effects on statistical survey data(1343)
8.Imputation of economic data under several liner restiriction(1349)
Session22 Fieldwork(000)
1.Setting the standard for quality control in the United states decennial census(1367)
2.Quality information at a territorial livel(0378)
3.Monitoring and evaluating fieldwork effrots in the European socail survey(1392)
4.Characteristics and identification of faked interviewss in surveys-An analysis by means of geniune fakes in the SOEP survey(1141)
5.New methods ofr measuring quality indicators of ISTAT"s new CAPI/CATI labour force survey(1434)
Session 23 Weighting and calibaration(000)
1.Non - response adjustment of Household surveys(1489)
2.Participation in CATI surveys(1520)
3.On adjsutment for coverage problems in short-term business surveys(1534)
4.Improving timeliness of short-teerm bisiness statistics through state-space(1558)
5.Composite estimators for the labour force survey(1569)
Session 24 Improving process(000)
1.Developing a handbook on omproving qaulity by analysis of precess variables(1587)
2.Using real-time process measures to improve data collection(0597)
3.Benchmarking and quality management process relating to the preduction of consumer price indices(1606)
4. How the US census bureau uses the capability maturity moel as a roadmap to process improvement(1617)
5.Reorganising the process of production data to improve the quality of the surveys(1640)
6.Development of a handbook for quality management under a decentralized national staistical system in korea(1658)
7.Managing data quality through effective quality assurance project plans(1672)