Executive Summary 7
Defining and Describing Regions 11
Symbols and Abbreviations 13
I. Focus on Regional Innovation 15
1. Research and development expenditures 16
2. Personnel employed in research and development activities 22
3. Regional concentration of patents 24
4. Regional patent co-operation 30
5. Student enrolment in tertiary education 34
6. Advanced educational qualifications 40
7. Employment in knowledge-oriented sectors 46
II. Regional as Actors of National Growth 53
8. Distribution of population and regional typeology 54
9. Goegraphic concentration of population 60
10. Regional contribution to growth in national GDP 62
11. Regional contribution to change in employment 68
12. Goegraphic concentration of the elderly population 74
13. Goegraphic concentration of GDP 80
14. Goegraphic concentration of industries 86
III. Making the Most of Regional Assets 89
15. Regional disparities in GDP per capita 90
16. Regional disparities in labour produsctivity 96
17. Regional disparities in specialisation 102
18. Regional disparities in unempolyment rates 108
19. Regional disparities in participation rates 114
IV. Key Drivers of Regional Growth 121
20. Overall regional performance 122
21. Regional factors and performance 124
22. Regional factors: Population and GDP per capita 128
23. Regional factors: Labour produsctivity 130
24. Regional factors: Empolyment, paarticipation and ageing 134
V. Competing on the Regional Well-being 139
25. Heath: Age-adjusted morality rate 140
26. Heath resources: Nimber of physicians 144
27. Safety: Reported crimes against property 146
28. Safety: Reported murders 150
29. Environments: Municipal waste 154
30. Environments: Private vehicle ownership 156
31. Voter turnout in national elections 160
32. Access to edcation 164
Annex A. Regional Grids and Typology 167
Annex B. Sources and Data Description 173
Annex C. Indexes and Formulas 191
Defining and Describing Regions 11
Symbols and Abbreviations 13
I. Focus on Regional Innovation 15
1. Research and development expenditures 16
2. Personnel employed in research and development activities 22
3. Regional concentration of patents 24
4. Regional patent co-operation 30
5. Student enrolment in tertiary education 34
6. Advanced educational qualifications 40
7. Employment in knowledge-oriented sectors 46
II. Regional as Actors of National Growth 53
8. Distribution of population and regional typeology 54
9. Goegraphic concentration of population 60
10. Regional contribution to growth in national GDP 62
11. Regional contribution to change in employment 68
12. Goegraphic concentration of the elderly population 74
13. Goegraphic concentration of GDP 80
14. Goegraphic concentration of industries 86
III. Making the Most of Regional Assets 89
15. Regional disparities in GDP per capita 90
16. Regional disparities in labour produsctivity 96
17. Regional disparities in specialisation 102
18. Regional disparities in unempolyment rates 108
19. Regional disparities in participation rates 114
IV. Key Drivers of Regional Growth 121
20. Overall regional performance 122
21. Regional factors and performance 124
22. Regional factors: Population and GDP per capita 128
23. Regional factors: Labour produsctivity 130
24. Regional factors: Empolyment, paarticipation and ageing 134
V. Competing on the Regional Well-being 139
25. Heath: Age-adjusted morality rate 140
26. Heath resources: Nimber of physicians 144
27. Safety: Reported crimes against property 146
28. Safety: Reported murders 150
29. Environments: Municipal waste 154
30. Environments: Private vehicle ownership 156
31. Voter turnout in national elections 160
32. Access to edcation 164
Annex A. Regional Grids and Typology 167
Annex B. Sources and Data Description 173
Annex C. Indexes and Formulas 191