Chapter 1: Data: What They Are and What We Do with Them 3
Chapter 2: Telling Visual Stories: Tables and Graphs 39
Chapter 3: The Center and What Surrounds It: Measures of Central
Tendency and Variation 76
Chapter 4: Using Sample Crosstabs to Talk about Populations:
The Chi-Square Test 119
Chapter 5: Using a Sample Mean or Proportion to Talk about a Population:
Confidence Intervals 154
Chapter 6: Using Multiple Sample Means to Talk about Populations:
T-Tests and ANOVA 190
Chapter 7: Ratio-Level Relationships: Bivariate correlation and Regression 213
Chapter 8: Using Sample Slopes to Talk about Populations:
Inference and Regression 243
Chapter 9: Dichotomies as Independent Variables: Reference Grouping 267
Chapter 10: The Logic and Power of Controlling: Nested Regression Models 285
Chapter 11: Comparing and Contrasting Regression Slopes: Beta Coefficients 309
Chapter 12: Catching Up of Falling Behind: Interaction Effects 323
Chapter 13: Prediction Probabilities Instead of Values: Logistic Regression 348
Chapter 14: Telling Visual Stories with Regression: Path Analysis 375
Chapter 15: Questioning the Greatness of Straightness: Non-Linear
Relationships 394
Appendices 419
Bibliography 532
Glossary/Index 533
Chapter 1: Data: What They Are and What We Do with Them 3
Chapter 2: Telling Visual Stories: Tables and Graphs 39
Chapter 3: The Center and What Surrounds It: Measures of Central
Tendency and Variation 76
Chapter 4: Using Sample Crosstabs to Talk about Populations:
The Chi-Square Test 119
Chapter 5: Using a Sample Mean or Proportion to Talk about a Population:
Confidence Intervals 154
Chapter 6: Using Multiple Sample Means to Talk about Populations:
T-Tests and ANOVA 190
Chapter 7: Ratio-Level Relationships: Bivariate correlation and Regression 213
Chapter 8: Using Sample Slopes to Talk about Populations:
Inference and Regression 243
Chapter 9: Dichotomies as Independent Variables: Reference Grouping 267
Chapter 10: The Logic and Power of Controlling: Nested Regression Models 285
Chapter 11: Comparing and Contrasting Regression Slopes: Beta Coefficients 309
Chapter 12: Catching Up of Falling Behind: Interaction Effects 323
Chapter 13: Prediction Probabilities Instead of Values: Logistic Regression 348
Chapter 14: Telling Visual Stories with Regression: Path Analysis 375
Chapter 15: Questioning the Greatness of Straightness: Non-Linear
Relationships 394
Appendices 419
Bibliography 532
Glossary/Index 533