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Country National statistical office URL
Korea Statistics Korea http://kostat.go.kr/eng
Lebanon Central Administration for Statistics http://www.cas.gov.lb
Macao Statistics and Census Service http://www.dsec.gov.mo
Malaysia Department of Statistics Malaysia http://www.statistics.gov.my/
maldives Department of National Planning http://www.planning.gov.mv/
Vietnam General Statistics Office of Vietnam http://www.gso.gov.vn/default_en.aspx?tabid=491
Singapore Singapore Department of Statistics http://www.singstat.gov.sg/
Israel Central Bureau of Statistics https://cbs.gov.np/
India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation http://mospi.nic.in/
Japan Japan Statistics Bureau and Statistics Center http://www.stat.go.jp/english/index.htm
China National Bureau of Statistics of China http://www.stats.gov.cn
Thailand National Statistical Office Thailand http://web.nso.go.th/
Pakistan Statistics Division http://www.pbs.gov.pk/
Philippine National Statistical Coordination Board(NSCB) http://www.nap.psa.gov.ph/stattables/
Hongkong Census and Statistics Department http://www.info.gov.hk/censtatd