목차 일부
foreword(003 )
acknowledgement(005 )
table of contents(007 )
list of figures(013 )
list of tables(019 )
executive summary(023 )
chapter1 industry overview(029 )
introduction(030 )
energy and ...
목차 전체
foreword(003 )
acknowledgement(005 )
table of contents(007 )
list of figures(013 )
list of tables(019 )
executive summary(023 )
chapter1 industry overview(029 )
introduction(030 )
energy and CO2 saving potential with best availble technologies(031 )
industry scenarios(032 )
demand projections for industry(033 )
industrial energy use(034 )
electricity use in industry(035 )
CO2 emissions in industry(036 )
rechnologies for reducing direct CO2 emissions(038 )
regional implications(041 )
investment costs in industry(043 )
RDD& needs(045 )
policy implications(046 )
chapter2 iron and steel(049 )
introduction(050 )
trends in energy efficiency and CO2 emissions(051 )
best available technology and technical savings potential(052 )
R&D programmes(056 )
scenario analysis(057 )
cost CO2 reductioms in the iron and steel sector(063 )
new technology options new coal-based pocesses smelting reduction processes (065 )
coal-based direct reduced iron(DRI)(066 )
fuel switching Gas-based DRI (067 )
use of charcoal (068 )
use of waste plastic electricity-based steel-making(069 )
use of hydrogen CO2 capture and storage(070 )
material flows and material flow optinistation(072 )
materials use and efficiancy(073 )
conclusion : transition pathway for the iron and steel sector(074 )
chapter3 cement(077 )
introduction cement production process and technologies(078 )
trends in energy efficiency and CO2 emissions(081 )
technology and fuel consumption in cement production(082 )
alternative fuel use in cement production(083 )
CO2 emissions from cement production(085 )
best available technology and technical savings potential(086 )
R&D programmes scenario analysis(090 )
costs of CO2 reduction in the cement sector(097 )
new technology options(098 )
CO2 capture and storage oxfuel technology as part of CO2 capture and storage(099 )
post-combustion technologies : absorption(100 )
CCS abatement costs in cements kilns new low-carbon cements(101 )
conclusion : transition pathway for the cement sector(103 )
chapte4 chemicals and petrochemicals(105 )
introduction(106 )
trends in energy efficiency and CO2 emissions(107 )
best available technology and technical savings potential(115 )
process inetegration and process intensification at site level combined heat and power(CHP) recycling and energy recovery(117 )
age of capital stock and transition to BPT(118 )
senario analysis(119 )
costs of CO2 reduction in the chemical and petrochemical sector nes technology potions new olefin production technologies(125 )
other catalytic processes with improvement potential(127 )
membranes and other sepration technologies(128 )
future processes intensification potentials bio-based chemicals and plastics(129 )
CO2 capture and storage in the chemical and petrochemical sector material flows and material potimisation(130 )
conclusion : transition pathway for the chemical and petrochemical sector(132 )
capter5 pulp and paper(135 )
introduction(137 )
pulp and paper processes(138 )
recovered paper trends in energy efficiency and CO2 emissions energy efficiency index methodology(138 )
data issues(141 )
best available technology and technical saving potentials(143 )
age of the capital stock and transition to BAT(145 )
scenario analysis(146 )
costs of CO2 reduction in the pulp and paper sector (151 )
new technology options black liquor gasification (152 )
lignin production from black liuuor biomass gasification with synfuel priduction biorefinery concepts(153 )
CO2 capture and storage (CCS)(154 )
paper-drying technologies material flows and demand analysis(155 )
conclusion:transistion pathway for the pulp and paper sector(158 )
capter6 aluminum(161 )
introduction(162 )
trends in energy efficiency and GHG emissions(163 )
mininig alumina refining(164 )
anode production smeltiong (166 )
recycled production best available technology and technical savings potentials(169 )
scenarion analysis (171 )
costs of CO2 reductions in the aluminum sector(175 )
improvements to the hall-heroult cell(176 )
wetted drained cathodes inert anodes alternative technologies cabothermic reduction(177 )
kaolinite reduction carbon capture and storage aluminum markets(178 )
conclusion:transition pathway for the aluminum sector(179 )
capter7 cross-cutting options(183 )
introduction(184 )
biomass and biomass-waste use(185 )
systems optimisation electric motor-driven systems(191 )
steam systems(193 )
combined heat and power (CHP)(195 )
chp technologies chp applications(196 )
chp vbarriers and policy solutions(197 )
carbon capture and storage (CCS)(198 )
recycling use of recyled aluminum(204 )
use of scrap iron and steel (206 )
use of recovered paper use of recoverd platic(207 )
municipal solid waste and by-products(208 )
reducing other dhd emissions(209 )
chapter8 impacts on materials demand(211 )
introduction(212 )
power sector(213 )
materials needs foe PV technologies(217 )
transport sector(219 )
base year (2005) estimates(220 )
future scemarios (222 )
vehicle sales and total materials use by scenario(224 )
building sector(229 )
chapter9 policy implications(235 )
introduction energy efficiency policies(236 )
research, development and demonstration(240 )
priority near-term RD&D targets for the development of lower-carbon technologies(241 )
public-private partnerships(242 )
emissions trading(244 )
the impacts of ETSs on competitiveness and carbon leakage(247 )
options to reducing carbon leakage(249 )
sectoral approaches(250 )
emplementing sectoral approaches(253 )
coverage and data availability(254 )
carbon leakage challenges on the demand side(255 )
sectoral approaches : the logical next step for international action?(257 )
Annex A reginal detail of industry analysis(259 )
Annex B energy and CO2 indicators(271 )
Annex C framework assumptions(283 )
Annex D definitions, abbreviations, acronyms and units(289 )
Annex E references(305 )
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