목차 일부
Part 1. Introduction(01 )
A.Introduction of the Course(03 )
1.Background(03 )
2.Organization of the Course(03 )
2.1.UNSIAP Director(03 )
2.2.Co-Course director(03 )
2.3.Course Coordinator(03 )
목차 전체
Part 1. Introduction(01 )
A.Introduction of the Course(03 )
1.Background(03 )
2.Organization of the Course(03 )
2.1.UNSIAP Director(03 )
2.2.Co-Course director(03 )
2.3.Course Coordinator(03 )
2.4.Lecturers(04 )
2.5.Training Assistants(04 )
2.6.Participants & Research Advisors(05 )
2.7.Research Advisors(06 )
3.Course programs(08 )
3.1.Course Outline(08 )
3.2.Scientific Program(09 )
3.3.Social Program(12 )
3.4.Field Trip(12 )
3.5.Visit to the Korea National Statistical Office(12 )
B.Introduction of STI(13 )
1.Overview of STI(13 )
1.1.Organization(13 )
1.2.Function(13 )
2.Overview of STI Accommodation(14 )
2.1.Facility Layout(14 )
2.2.layout of the 3rd Floor of the Main Building(STI)(15 )
2.3.Information on Accommodation(15 )
3.Information on Dormitory & Facilities use(16 )
3.1.Dormitory(16 )
3.2.Classrooms(17 )
3.3.Computers(17 )
3.4.Electricity(17 )
3.5.Meals(17 )
3.6.Cash Machine (18 )
3.7.Post Office(18 )
3.8.Other Facilities(18 )
3.9.Emergencies(18 )
3.10.Location of STI(18 )
3.11.Medical Expenses(19 )
3.12.Travel Information(20 )
C.Introduction of Korea(21 )
1.History(21 )
2.Culture(21 )
3.Society(21 )
4.Land(22 )
5.Climate(22 )
6.People & Language(23 )
7.Food(23 )
8.Currency & Exchange Rate(23 )
9.Tax & Tipping(23 )
D.Addresses and Telephone Numbers(24 )
1.Korea National Statiscal Office(24 )
2.Statistical Training Ins titute(24 )
Foreign Missions in Korea(25 )
Airlines(25 )
E.ANNEX(26 )
1.List of Participants(27 )
2.Copies of the Statement of Concurrence(32 )
3.Welcoming Address(38 )
4.Address at the Welcoming Reception and Farewell party(43 )
5.The Closing Remarks(48 )
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*주제와 무관한 내용의 서평은 삭제될 수 있습니다. 한글 기준 30자 이상 작성해 주세요.