목차 일부
1. 제31차 CIRET회의 참가 결과 1
2. 참가자 명단 15
3. Comprehensive Benchmark Revisions of The Conference Board Leading
Economic Index for the United States. 21
4. OECD-CLI's for G7 Countries. 51
목차 전체
1. 제31차 CIRET회의 참가 결과 1
2. 참가자 명단 15
3. Comprehensive Benchmark Revisions of The Conference Board Leading
Economic Index for the United States. 21
4. OECD-CLI's for G7 Countries. 51
5. An Evaluation of the CLI Component Series for Japan 85
6.Business Cycle Indicator in Abu Dhabi. 101
7. Construction of Composite Business cycle indicators in a sparse data environment 113
8. Investigation of business cycle indicator for visegrad countries 137
9. A Composite leading indicator for economic growth in indonesia 149
10. Leading indicators revision and structural changes of china's macroeconomy after
financial crisis 159
11. European economy-where does it go to? 175
12. An index of financial stress for economic growth analysis using macro data. 197
13. Sensitivity of consumer confidence to stock markets' meltdowns 209
14. Changes in economic situation and the behaviour of households in the polish banking services market. 247
15. Foreign currency loans and loan arrears of households in central and eastern europe 277
16. Early estimates of GDP growth rates by error correction models 313
17. Predicting financial crises: the(statistical)significance of the signals approach 321
18. Dating business cycle turning points in russia 347
19. Keeping a finger on the pulse of the economy Nowcasting swiss GDP in real time squared. 361
20. Dynamics Cyclical Comovements between oil prices and U.S GDP; a wavelet persective 377
21. Investigation of the visegrad-european business cycle. 415
22. The dynamics of business cycles 429
23. Catching a floating treaure;A Genuine Ex-ante forecasting Experiment in real time 451
24. The 2009 Recession in Germany-Could it be seen? 479
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