목차 일부
1 Session 1 3
1. SDMX-RI - work in progress: status and plans 5
2. Rosstat SDMX- based unified system 15
3. Fusion Grid: SDMX data discovery, zuery, and visualisation within Exel 27
4. A fle...
목차 전체
1 Session 1 3
1. SDMX-RI - work in progress: status and plans 5
2. Rosstat SDMX- based unified system 15
3. Fusion Grid: SDMX data discovery, zuery, and visualisation within Exel 27
4. A flexible SDMX viewer for exel 35
5. Off-the-shelf desktop SDMX production 41
6. Using SDMX for data reporting, publishing and modelling 47
7. Building a data portal with SDMX 63
8. SDMX IT developments at OECD 73
9. Recent developments in Mexico''s SDMX implementation 79
10. A centralized metadata system based on SDMX 87
11. Global SDMX implementation from ongoing projects 101
12. Implementing SDMX using DevInfo: A Practical Perspective 107
13. CountryData: impleming SDMX exchange of national development indicators 141
2 Sesion 2 151
1. Report of SDMX Technical Standards Working Group 153
2. Governance of SDMX artefacts 161
3 Session 3
1. SDMX implementation at Statistics Korea169
2. Starting the use of SDMX at IBGE with STES indicators 179
3. SDMX implementation in ISTAT: from a tactical approach to a strategic perspective 187
4. Case study - implementing SDMX exchange with member countries in Short-term Economic Statistics 193
5. GSIM, SDMX & standards-based modernization of official statistics 201
4 Meeting summary 211
1. SDMX Experts 2012 - summary report 213
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